My ship arrived an hour late; will I obtain compensation?

No, in accordance with EU legislation on maritime passenger rights (6th July 2010, in effect since 18th December 2012), delays of less than 2 hours do not entitle passengers to any kind of compensation or indemnification.
Likewise, in the case of delays due to ‘force majeure’ (weather conditions etc.), EU legislation absolves the transporter from all responsibility, whatever the reason.

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My crossing was delayed due to bad weather conditions; am I eligible for compensation?

No, in accordance with EU legislation on maritime passenger rights (6th July 2010, in effect since 18th December 2012), passengers are not eligible for compensation should a vessel be delayed due to bad weather conditions; the company cannot be held responsible.

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What are my rights if a sailing is delayed?

EU regulations provides compensation for passengers in case of delays, calculated as a percentage of the ticket price (without fees and taxes) according to the theoretical length of the journey.
You will not be entitled to any compensation where the delay is caused by weather conditions or extraordinary circumstances endangering the safe operation of the ship (see force majeure, EU 1177/2010).
Detailed compensation schedule:

Duration of the scheduled sailing...
Less than 4 hours 4 to 8 hours 8 to 24 hours
Delay Less than 1 hour 25% 0% 0%
Less than 2 hours 50% 25% 0%
Less than 3 hours 50% 25% 25%
Less than 4 hours 50% 50% 25%
Less than 6 hours 50% 50% 50%
Less than 12 hours 50% 50% 50%

Compensation cannot exceed the ticket price (without fees and taxes). Claims should be submitted within two months of the scheduled sailing date.
> Summary of provisions concerning the rights of passengers when travelling by sea

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My vehicle was damaged while on the car deck; what should I do ?

Any damage must be reported immediately and a written report must be made on board at the time. As with a traffic accident, each party must establish a report in the presence of an officer on board in order to make an insurance claim.
Should this not be done, any claim made will not be considered.

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